Thursday, August 28, 2008

Change In The House Of Flys

Change: To make different in something particular

Change is all around me. Its in everywhere I look. Some of it good and some not so good. The one question I keep asking myself is how to decipher the good from the bad. I think the answers lies within all of us, like knowing right from wrong. There are things that I would love to change about me, but its hard. Its like once you make a habit of doing something for so long, and you take a look in third person. You find out that the way you do things is totally wrong. How do you change your way of thinking? For instance I have short temper, my feelings get hurt easy. Where do you start changing yourself? I think its always better to second guess yourself from somebody else's point of view, and try hard to change your old habits. Then there are the changes you have no control of, like I'm closer to 30 then I am 20. Its changes like this that really scare me. I just hope I can make the adjust and settle into these changes so that they don't change me. And then there is you. This is a familiar change that I hope works out. What the best thing about you is the way you change me. You change the way I feel, and in time I hope you change more of me. Like the definition above explains it all when I think of you. My life before I met you needed a change, and the lord set down change right in my lap. For this I am grateful. Time will tell how this change is gonna work, and I am going to do everything in my power to make this change particular.


MortEscura said...
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MortEscura said...

I loved this first entry.
It's so... truthful... :)

You know... there's only one thing that remains forever and it's always constant, Change.
Don't worry too much about changing, it happens naturally. I swear.

One year ago I was totally different from what I am today. Thankfully.
You learn with age, and most of all, experience.

You are truly a good guy, and you deserve nothing but the best.
And it shall be that way.

One thing is for sure, never put your happiness on someone else's hands. No one deserves that. They can be the nicest, the best person out there... don't do it.
Enjoy your time around the people you love/like, enjoy the blessing of knowing them... but don't make it a necessity. :)
- Just in case they have to leave..


Hey Kel, You are... AWESOME! :)

And I am so sorry about the whole argument... I wanted to be honest, but I didn't meant to be rude or mean to you. And it was definitely not my intention to hurt your feelings, in any way.

You just have to take it easy.
The world is not going around trying to get you... if you know what I mean. =]

*miss ya

*keep on writing, good job.