Thursday, November 13, 2008


Sitting here trying to find the words that best describe you is pointless. Their are too many words that describe you so only just saying a couple would be a big injustice to you. You are not perfect, but its the little imperfection that makes perfect. You have told me before dont depend on one person for your happiness. I agree with you to an extent, but you make me so happy, I cant help but to depend on you. You give me feelings that I honestly thought I would never feel again. Feelings that have been dead, but now there are present more than they have ever been. I have NEVER felt the way I feel for you. Feeling I never want to loose. I hope you feel the same way about me.

Sure we have both made sum mistakes, and I have made more than you. We still have some more we are gonna make in the future, but the way I see it is having each other nothing is to big for the both of us. With you by my side I feel that I can overcome anything. You give me strength I have never had before. I am so serious everyday I feel I am getting stronger. Stronger than superman. As corny as that sounds, but it's so true.

I never in my life dream that I would meet someone as amazing as you, but here I am writing about you. I think I am the most lucky person on the face of the planet. Just thinking about you makes me weak at the knees. There is not a moment of everyday that I am not thinking about you. Everything I see around me reminds of you. Guess that gives a whole new definition to you meaning the world to me:P How I wish you were right here beside me so that I look into your eyes when I say this. The desire for you is so great even when I'm sleeping. More so when I am about to fall asleep. Rubbing my feet wishing your feet were right there. How I dream of you putting your head on my shoulder with my arms wrapped around you. I wanna hold you so tight it would take a tank just to budge you.

You are the MOST amazing thing that has ever happened to. I hope you feel the same way about me.

HappyNeSs is the only destination I want to see!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Fear is driving the presidential election of 2008. Since the economic meltdown in early October, Barack Obama's poll numbers have steadily risen as millions of Americans are afraid of losing their investments. They fear the federal government has lost control of the financial marketplace and are looking for a white knight to turn the situation around.

That fear is well founded, as the Bush administration has allowed speculators to run wild in the stock and commodities markets. This column stated last spring that oil speculators were artificially driving up prices and the oil companies were taking advantage of the situation by raising prices based upon "futures contracts," not supply and demand. Naysayers criticized me, but when the speculators pulled out, oil prices cratered. The entire gas price deal was a scam and the folks got hurt.

That, of course, happened on President Bush's watch, and so did the mortgage mess. Under the nose of the Security and Exchange Commission, supposedly federal watchdogs, banks and brokerage houses like Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch were allowed to buy up risky loans that banks made to folks who didn't have much money. When the unqualified homebuyers couldn't meet their payments, the market crashed. The feds simply stood by and watched the whole economy unravel.

So who can blame the folks for being angry and fearful? It seems nobody is looking out for them. And so they flocked to the new guy: Barack Obama.

But now the fear factor may be shifting. For the first time, a new Rasmussen Poll shows that more Americans believe John McCain is better on economic issues that Senator Obama. You can thank Joe the Plumber for that.

When Obama told Joe that he wanted to spread the wealth around, many Americans were startled. Is it the job of the federal government to take money from private citizens and give it to other citizens? Isn't that socialism? That one statement from Obama has turned fear to McCain's advantage.

Despite deep disenchantment with the Republican Party, most Americans remain traditional in their beliefs and do not admire entitlement cultures such as those in France and Scandinavia. Certainly, the founding fathers did not want a huge federal apparatus interfering in personal finance. So, many voters, especially senior citizens who understand income redistribution, are now becoming fearful that an Obama administration might bring not only change, but drastic change.

The McCain campaign has seized on this, but with just a few days to go, it might be too late. However, fear can make folks do things quickly. This election is not over until the very frightened fat lady sings.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Dance

The Web of Life gleaming bright
Displays the desperate beauty of the deep,
Shaking the darkness to its core,
Assailing the vestiges of fear and love,
While Joy howls in its delight.

Many walk the path of fate and fear,
Seldom reaching for the unseen light
That shines in the empty, unchristened void.

I can no longer bear the pain
Of my majestic reckonings,
The madness of beliefs
That were never true.

I must abandon these.

Answering the call to dance,
The cadence of terrifying joy
Annihilates all the pain and need
I have ever known.
My soul laid bare, utterly undone,
Trembling I behold
The fierce passion of the Void,
Where groaning, beauty changes form.
It too, must dance, to be alive.


When I take a general look at our society it disgusts me. To see what we have become as a country. In my opinion America is supposed to be the best place to live in the world. I am not so sure any more. Our government has failed us. They can't even agree on anything any more. The only thing that matters to them is what letter you have R or D. We were all Americans before we were Republican or Democrat. It is of my opinion if you are on the far right or the far left, you have gone to far. George Washington warned us about parties in 1792. He touched on it in his farewell address " I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally." If he only knew how right he was. As Americans we have a duty to our country to not elect these kinda assholes who only care about their party. Now I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I am an American who cares about my country. Our economy is failing. The value of the dollar is dropping faster then ever before. We need people in our government that are going to work together to fix the problem. Not argue about party lines. That's were we come in to play. We need to elect people who are going to work together in Washington, not fight. It is not my job to tell who to vote for. You can figure that out on your own. All I ask is don't vote for just one party. Use your common sense. Both parties have great people in office, and both also have idiots who don't care for where our country is going, as long as it goes toward their goals. So please go out there and vote for the best American to represent you. If you don't vote you not solving anything, but making it worse.

Friday, August 29, 2008

For Love Of The Game

I am new to this hole blogging thing, so I am gonna start writing about things I have allot of passion for. One thing I love to do is play golf. Now I know what your saying, golf is so boring, but don't knock it if you haven't tried it out. I have been around it all my life, and all the people I look up to play it. Some of the greatest people in the world played golf like Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Ben Hogan, and Tom Watson to name a few. These were great men who achieved goals unimaginable.
I can't Imagine a better place to be on a Sunday morning on the tee. The sun just coming over the horizon. I mean its heaven on earth. Golf is not a sport that you can just pick up a club and expect to be good right off the muscle. It takes allot of time to develop your swing. Patience is a word you are going to hear allot in golf. If you are lacking in this quality you may wanna try something else. Your swing is everything. Trying to find it takes allot of patience. Finding it is just the half of it. You also have to keep it, and in my option that is the hardest part of it. The perfect swing has allot of variables in it. You must have grace, timing, tempo and whole lot more. I am just now perfecting my swing. I play with my brother, who is a very descent player by the way. I look up to him in every way, but that is a future entry.
One thing I can compare golf to is life. You have to stay focused on what your goals are. Sometimes you hit a bad shot, but when you get up to your ball you have a chance to correct your mistake. When you play a good round its just like accomplishing a goal you have set for yourself in life. Its the most awesome feeling, and its hard to explain. Now I know if you read this you probably want have a itching desire to play, but try one weekend if you get some time.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Change In The House Of Flys

Change: To make different in something particular

Change is all around me. Its in everywhere I look. Some of it good and some not so good. The one question I keep asking myself is how to decipher the good from the bad. I think the answers lies within all of us, like knowing right from wrong. There are things that I would love to change about me, but its hard. Its like once you make a habit of doing something for so long, and you take a look in third person. You find out that the way you do things is totally wrong. How do you change your way of thinking? For instance I have short temper, my feelings get hurt easy. Where do you start changing yourself? I think its always better to second guess yourself from somebody else's point of view, and try hard to change your old habits. Then there are the changes you have no control of, like I'm closer to 30 then I am 20. Its changes like this that really scare me. I just hope I can make the adjust and settle into these changes so that they don't change me. And then there is you. This is a familiar change that I hope works out. What the best thing about you is the way you change me. You change the way I feel, and in time I hope you change more of me. Like the definition above explains it all when I think of you. My life before I met you needed a change, and the lord set down change right in my lap. For this I am grateful. Time will tell how this change is gonna work, and I am going to do everything in my power to make this change particular.