Friday, August 29, 2008

For Love Of The Game

I am new to this hole blogging thing, so I am gonna start writing about things I have allot of passion for. One thing I love to do is play golf. Now I know what your saying, golf is so boring, but don't knock it if you haven't tried it out. I have been around it all my life, and all the people I look up to play it. Some of the greatest people in the world played golf like Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Ben Hogan, and Tom Watson to name a few. These were great men who achieved goals unimaginable.
I can't Imagine a better place to be on a Sunday morning on the tee. The sun just coming over the horizon. I mean its heaven on earth. Golf is not a sport that you can just pick up a club and expect to be good right off the muscle. It takes allot of time to develop your swing. Patience is a word you are going to hear allot in golf. If you are lacking in this quality you may wanna try something else. Your swing is everything. Trying to find it takes allot of patience. Finding it is just the half of it. You also have to keep it, and in my option that is the hardest part of it. The perfect swing has allot of variables in it. You must have grace, timing, tempo and whole lot more. I am just now perfecting my swing. I play with my brother, who is a very descent player by the way. I look up to him in every way, but that is a future entry.
One thing I can compare golf to is life. You have to stay focused on what your goals are. Sometimes you hit a bad shot, but when you get up to your ball you have a chance to correct your mistake. When you play a good round its just like accomplishing a goal you have set for yourself in life. Its the most awesome feeling, and its hard to explain. Now I know if you read this you probably want have a itching desire to play, but try one weekend if you get some time.

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